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Understanding Human Behavior

人类学 is the study of humans, both past and present. UNC anthropology students develop thinking and research skills that dovetail with all academic and professional fields, and learn to understand human behavior and how and why it changes over time. With UNC’s focus on community and civic engagement, students also gain hands-on experience locally and globally.

Wondering w在这里 a UNC anthropology degree can take you? With small class sizes, engaged and expert faculty, and global opportunities, you'll have a wide-range of career options. In this video, UNC students and faculty talk about the cross-disciplinary approach to studying and applying anthropology, as well as UNC's unique opportunities for experiential learning.  


教师 Spotlight: Whitney Duncan

Professor Whitney Duncan

Professor Whitney Duncan was recently featured on UNC's news page in an article outlining her time at UNC, some of her research projects, her philosophy on teaching and her recognition as the 2024 HSS College Scholar. Read the article 在这里.

校友 Spotlight:
Kehaulani Lagunero

校友 Kehaulani Lagunero

Kehaulani Lagunero graduated UNC in 2022 with a bachelor’s degree in 人类学 with a focus for Cultural 人类学. During her time at UNC she was nominated for an internship to work with Cultural continuation and story-telling with Navajo, Apache, and Hawaiian Indigenous communities. Along with other internships and instances, this contributed toward her interest in Cultural 人类学 and Applied 人类学. 阅读更多 on our alumni page.

Congratulations to our Spring 2023 研究生s! Group of graduates

Congratulations to students graduating in Spring 2023!

ANthropology 教师 Book releaseD

Associate Professor Whitney Duncan's book Transforming Therapy: Mental Health Practice and Cultural Change in Mexico was recently released.

Learn more about the book

transforming therapy 

Dr. Zia discusses Kasmir in Podcast

In these episodes of UNC's Bear in Mind podcast, Dr. 皮革、皮革制品齐亚 discusses the complex and violent history between Kashmir, India, and Pakistan (part one), and the growing Kashmiri scholarship and art, as well as her recently published 书, Resisting Occupation in Kashmir (第二部分).

Listen to Part I   Listen to Part II

DR. Kimball DISCUSSES Mindfulness IN PODCAST

Associate Professor Michael Kimball discussed mindfulness for UNC's Bear in Mind Podcast. Part One discusses mindfulness and stress management techniques designed for emerging adults, while in Part Two Dr. Kimball guides you through a Koru Mindfulness practice. Sit down, relax, and take a breather.

Listen to Part I   Listen to Part II

人类学 Exhibit

The 人类学 Department curates cultural items from both Native and Euro-American 文化. We exhibit selections from these and other collections in two display cases in Michener 图书馆. 学生 design and curate these exhibits to build skills in 博物馆研究.